Dienstag, März 02, 2010

Natural hair update

6 months ago

So I totally forgot yesterday was 7 months since I chopped all of my hair off and went natural. I am so happy that I took this path because it has changed me in so many ways. I am definitely enjoying this weave as my protective style but it feels good to know my hair is going to grow stronger and not take any abuse from me. The best part is not having to worry about new growth and relaxing it after I remove it.

I will not say being natural is easy. It takes way longer for me to do my natural hair than it ever did when I was relaxed.
I definitely spent alllllllllllloooooooooootttttttttt of money on products in such a short amount of time.

Some of the pros are not having to clean up all those darn broken hairs from my sink.
No more crunchy sound from when I over process it and being more aware of what I do to it.
I loved color but after my color 6 months ago I am not to found anymore because it dried my hair out and damaged it so I had to cut all of those ends off plus more.

I love my hair and can not wait for it to grow big and beautiful!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Girl your hair is absolutely beautiful, the curl pattern is lookin FIERCE.


  2. Congrats girl, your hair is growing lovely ~

  3. Absolutely gorgeous. I would love to feature you as a Decadent Beauty. If you're interested please let me know.

  4. I would love to be featured just let me know what I have to do:)

  5. If you send me an email (alunderhill@gmail.com) I can send you the details and questions. Thanks.
